Complex Products

What do we mean when we say we manufacture complex products?

Product Resources uses a flexible but proven process for building a wide range of products, in multiple industries.

The products we build vary widely in their application and technology used.

But they all use some type of electronics and are typically designed to control a process or a measurement.

Here are some examples of the products we’ve manufactured:

  • Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Test Equipment
  • Medical Robot Control System
  • Semiconductor Far UV Inspection Equipment
  • Medical Particle Beam Control Equipment (proton therapy treatment)
  • Automated Weather Observation Systems
  • Laser Scattering Polymerization Characterization Instrumentation
  • Gas Detection Instruments for Hazardous Areas
  • Verification Instrumentation for Nuclear Plant Pressure Relief Valves
  • Nano-Liter Microfluidic Dispensing Instrument
  • Analytic Chemistry Robotic Equipment
  • Cell Therapy Processing Instruments
  • IoT based Equipment Monitoring Instruments