Product Development
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Sustaining Engineering
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Sustaining Engineering
As products age out and get replaced by newer models, customers will still have older models that need to be maintained, calibrated and serviced.
We provide ongoing support for these aging products – even if we didn’t build them originally.
As products mature and your engineering resources move on to other projects, it is difficult – if not impossible – to continue to support and service older products.
Our sustaining engineering services allow you to provide this support without compromising your work with current products.
What is Sustaining Engineering?
Sustaining Engineering is a service dedicated to keeping customers satisfied by meeting a commitment for long-term product service, maintenance and support.
When new products are developed, customers often replace their older versions with the new and improved models. But not everyone.
For various reasons, many customers prefer to stick with their original purchase – and they expect the manufacturer to continue to provide ongoing service and maintenance for that product.
The problem for many manufacturers is that their engineering and manufacturing teams have moved on to other projects – are unable to deliver that product support they promised when the purchase was made.
You can outsource that responsibility to us.
Product Resources can provide that support on your behalf – even if we weren’t involved in the original design or manufacturing.
We have the engineering, manufacturing and supply chain to keep your products up and running for a fixed length of time – allow you to keep your promises to your customers.
Because we provide sustaining engineering services to the products we do build, we have developed a proven process that we can apply to unfamiliar products as well.
What we do
The specific services we provide are exactly what we provide when engaged for a new product design and manufacturing project. Except that we are focused on a very limited timeframe.
- Maintenance & Support – the focal point of sustaining engineering is being able to ensure that products remain reliable and functional.
- Supply Chain Management – of course, having access to replacement parts is a critical element in this entire process.
- Regulatory Compliance – compliance was necessary to get the product out the door, but regulations changed – and new requirements need to be made.
- Product Upgrades & Enhancements – upgrades may be need to address product vulnerabilities or they may simply extend a product’s usefulness over time.
- End-of-Life Planning – products do have lifecycles, and at some point, the product will become obsolete – and sustaining engineering will help to handle that responsibility.
- Documentation & Knowledge Management – every product comes with documentation – and older products will rely on that documentation more than newer products.
Let’s talk about
Sustaining Engineering
Product Resources CEO John Erickson and Mechanical Engineer Michael Dragonas share their insights on topics related to Prototype Development.